Ask Your Representative to Cosponsor the Long COVID RECOVERY NOW Act

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The Long COVID RECOVERY NOW Act (H.R. 1114) would provide an optimized coordinated federal government response, public education, and insurance reimbursement guidance for Long COVID.

Long COVID is defined as symptoms or conditions that occur after infection with COVID- 19.[1] These symptoms vary and can last weeks, months, or even years and can sometimes result in disability. Long COVID can also trigger health conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease. Studies show 30% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 develop kidney injury and more than 50% of patients in intensive care units with kidney injury may require dialysis.[2]

H.R. 1114 would create a grant program through the Department of Health and Human Services for Federally Qualified Health Centers, rural health clinics, and other public health departments treating patients with Long COVID to develop best practices and coordinated care with other specialties such as dieticians, mental health providers, and cardiologists.

Please contact your U.S. representative and ask them to support the Long COVID RECOVERY NOW Act, which will optimize care for people with a kidney injury or kidney disease because of Long COVID-19 infection.

[1] H.R.1114 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Long covid recovery now ..., accessed June 1, 2023,

[2] "Coronavirus: Kidney Damage Caused by Covid-19," Coronavirus: Kidney Damage Caused by COVID-19 | Johns Hopkins Medicine, November 17, 2022,