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In memory of
Marcie Smith
From Stefany Smith
I love you and I should have said that more than I did. You were my first glimpse of a fighter and survivor, never complained or got upset you were there 3 jobs and no sleep and a ferocious lil girl who refused to give up bc of you I learned that with great responsibility comes integrity, respect, love,trust, and a inner heart of gold ...for my raven was you and there you never flew from my side forevermore my guide was you. 🪶j.r.s♡♡♡my best feature came from you my heart...a soul that loved me so much. Thank you for so much....sending my love in loving memory m.j.s &j.r.s ♡

Your memorial gift helps fight kidney disease on all fronts

When you honor your loved one by supporting AKF, you help support a comprehensive approach to ending kidney disease. From prevention to post-transplant life, we're here to help improve lives. 97 cents of every dollar you donate goes directly to patients and programs.

Make a memorial or tribute gift

Kidney transplants

157 kidney transplants per month made possible with AKF's support, more than any other organization. This represents 7% of all kidney transplants performed in the US in 2021.

Coronavirus emergency fund grants

AKF provided Coronavirus Emergency Fund grants to nearly 13,000 kidney patients — the only national program to provide emergency grants addressing the immediate needs of patients.

Patients assisted financially

AKF provided direct financial assistance helped nearly 71,000 dialysis patients maintain critically needed health coverage.

Discover more ways to honor your loved one.

Fundraise for the American Kidney Fund to help create a better world for thousands of patients in need. 97 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to patients and programs.