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AKF Ambassador Spotlight: David Rodriguez

Learn what inspired David David Rodriguez to become an AKF Ambassador
AKF Ambassador: David Rodriguez

What made you want to become an AKF Ambassador?

It was important for me to be updated on current events  and changes that will affect me and millions people with CKD.

What have you learned from being an Ambassador?

I've learned how much of impact AKF has, helping so many dialysis patients with CKD.

Why should others become Ambassadors?

We need all the help we can get not only be your own voice, but to be the voice for othersas well..

What is something you've learned about kidney disease and dialysis that you wish you had known a lot sooner?

That AKF existed as a resource for assistance for people with CKD.

How would you like to stay connected to other Ambassadors?

Email, social media and conference calls.

Do you have any advice for newly diagnosed kidney patients?

Compliance is everything. It won't be easy, but it is helpful to stay on top of your treatments.

How does it help having a family member be part of the process?

It makes a huge difference mentally, physically and emotionally to have a good support system from your loved ones. 

What do you wish other family members knew about kidney disease or knew about helping others?

They could potentially become a kidney living donor and be able to save their love one's life and/or be part of a kidney donor exchange.

What are some interesting facts about yourself that you'd like to share?

I'm not only someone who has completed their journey having a kidney transplant, but I am also a son who lost his father to CKD and I have dedicated my life through advocacy for CKD patients in his memory.

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David Rodriguez

David Rodriguez, who works at a transplant center, received his own transplant as part of a donor chain. David encourages all dialysis patients to remain compliant to treatment because you never know when you’ll get the donor call.