Potassium resources for health professionals

Find trusted resources - videos, guides, booklets, and engagement tools - curated from our Beyond Bananas campaign to help you and your patients learn about high potassium and kidney disease.

Find trusted resources - videos, guides, booklets, and engagement tools - curated from our Beyond Bananas education campaign to help you and your patients learn about high potassium and kidney disease.

High potassium also called hyperkalemia is a chronic condition. Many individuals with kidney disease also have hyperkalemia. If your patients have this condition, it's important to talk to them about the right treatment plan including lifestyle changes and medications.

View and download guides

Below you will find trusted resources - videos, guides, booklets, and engagement tools - curated from our Beyond Bananas education campaign to help you get the conversation started.

AstraZeneca is the sole supporter of the Beyond Bananas campaign