Organ transplant among minorities: How we can reduce the need and improve access
Racial and ethnic minorities are at higher risk for kidney disease and kidney failure, but kidney transplant, the best treatment for kidney failure, is not as easy for minorities to access. This is, in part, because there is a shortage of organ donors with minority backgrounds.
Dr. Clive O. Callender, founder of National Minority Donor Awareness Week and the Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program (MOTTEP), will be here to talk to you about:
- Health disparities (differences between communities) in the area of transplant, and our progress in eliminating them
- The steps we need to take to eliminate health disparities
- The ways education among minority and majority communities can help to eliminate disparities.
Please note that certificates of attendance are available only to health professionals who attend the live airing of the webinar.