Living Donor Assistance Program - Massachusetts & New York City
The American Kidney Fund's Living Donor Assistance Program seeks to increase access to living kidney donations by reimbursing out-of-pocket costs for current and potential living kidney donors. The program launched in Massachusetts in December 2023 and New York City in July 2024.
Apply for a grant if your surgery was in Massachusetts
Apply for a grant if your surgery was in New York City

Grant Specifics:
- Grants intended for reimbursement of out-of-pocket travel-related and childcare expenses
- Grants up to $2,500/per donor
- One, lifetime grant available per living kidney donor
- Open to living kidney donors who donated on or after 1/1/2023
- Kidney recipient's evaluation and/or surgery took place at a Massachusetts or New York City hospital
- Donor incurred out of pocket expenses not covered by insurance
- Applicants must permanently reside in the U.S. or its territories
- Living donor or recipient financial information is not required or considered when evaluating
applicants for program eligibility.
Click here to apply for a grant if your surgery took place in Massachusetts
Click here to apply for a grant if your surgery took place in New York City

"Julia and I often think about how difficult the donor process is for most people, and how lucky we were to have such an amazing network willing to support us. Our goal now is to pay it forward. We're so thrilled to be able to give back, and are honored to help my kidney patient peers, and the heroes who give them a second chance."
— Matt Glazier