A moment to act: Easy ways to participate in Kidney Month

Increase awareness about kidney disease with your friends, family and followers.

A moment to educate: Take our kidney quiz

Do you know what you don't know about your kidneys and kidney disease? Empower yourself and get the facts about kidney disease.

Learn more about chronic kidney disease —  how to prevent it, how to treat it, and more.

  • Question 1 of 6

    What do your kidneys do?

    Select one

    That's correct

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    The kidneys filter out waste and extra fluid from the blood. They also help keep bones healthy, make red blood cells, control blood pressure, and keep the right amount of minerals in your body.

This quiz is purely informational and should not take the place of consultation with your physician or any medical diagnosis.

Learn how to keep your kidneys healthy during Kidney Month and beyond

    Join the AKF community

    Your kidney moments that matter

    A moment to inspire: Share your kidney story

    What moments in your life have you celebrated despite kidney disease? What moment in your fight against kidney disease made all the difference? What moment in your health care journey possibly changed the outcome of your life?

    During Kidney Month, we are uniting people in the fight against kidney disease by showcasing the stories of our community. Share your kidney moments with us - we may share your story on our website, social media or email during Kidney Month and throughout the year to inspire and educate others facing kidney disease who truly need it.

    Need some inspiration?

    If you need help getting started, try answering these prompts in your story:

    • The moment I talked to my doctor about __________, I knew my life would change.
    • The moment I received my transplant, my life changed because___________.
    • My kidney moment was when I learned about _____________.
    • The most important kidney moment in my life was___________.
    • Because I managed my kidney disease, I was able to celebrate moments like ____________.
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    Make more moments possible

    Every success, moment and breakthrough we achieve for patients and their families depends on caring and generous people like you. Your gift goes further when you give to AKF - 97 cents of every donated dollar goes directly to programs and services.


    Make more moments possible

    Thank you to our Kidney Month sponsors