We want to hear from you this Kidney Action Month

Get equipped. Take action.

Understand the diversity and magnitude of kidney disease. View and share our facts about kidney disease infographic.

Preventing, detecting and treating kidney disease early is critical. Check out and share these 5 things you can do to protect your kidneys.

If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, talking with your doctor is a great first step to preventing kidney disease. Download and share this guide to help you start the conversation.
Care for your kidneys
You are the most important part of your health care team. Whether you are at-risk of kidney disease or already have it, make sure you understand how you can best care for your kidneys today.
97 cents of every donated dollar goes to patients and programs
Every success, milestone and breakthrough we achieve for patients and their families depends on caring and generous people like you. Your gift goes further when you give to AKF.
97 cents of every donated dollar goes to patients and programs
Test your knowledge and take our kidney quiz.
This quiz is purely informational and should not take the place of consultation with your physician or any medical diagnosis.