Make your vote count!
Election Day, Nov. 5, is coming soon. It is crucial for those affected by kidney disease to cast their vote. The leaders you choose will shape policies that directly influence your life and the lives of your loved ones. From ensuring accessible and affordable health care to safeguarding the future of Medicare, the stakes couldn't be higher. Your vote will support vital investments in kidney disease research, help create incentives that will make it easier for people to become living kidney donors, and help tackle health disparities that affect our communities. Each vote matters in driving change that can lead to a healthier future for all.

Make your voice heard this election
AKF is a nonpartisan organization. AKF is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization. We encourage everyone affected by kidney disease to exercise their right to vote for who will represent them at the federal, state and local levels. We encourage voting because we believe that every voice matters in the fight against kidney disease. By encouraging members of our community to participate in elections, we aim to amplify the concerns of patients and caregivers, ensuring that decision-makers prioritize kidney health and related issues. Together, we can create a stronger, more supportive environment for those affected by this condition.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5; make your vote count!
Voting is an important way for people to share their ideas and help choose leaders who make decisions that impact our schools, parks and neighborhoods. When you vote, you help decide on rules and plans that affect everyone. Every single vote matters, and sometimes elections are decided by just a few votes! As advocates, when you vote, you show others how important it is to speak up and take part in our democratic process. Your vote is your voice—let it be heard! As a nonpartisan organization, we are providing resources to help you in this process.
Resources to help you vote
Your vote is your voice — let it be heard! As a nonpartisan organization, we are providing resources to help you in this process.
Join our Advocacy Network
There is strength in numbers. More than 20,000 passionate patients, family members, friends and kidney care professionals serve as AKF Ambassadors. Join our Advocacy Network and be a voice for kidney patients on Capitol Hill.